it seems like only a few years ago i was a kid and couldn't stay up until midnight and now here i am at 25, hanging out with friends well past midnight but wishing i had gone to bed earlier because i'm tired. i guess life has a way of coming back in circles.
last night we played apples to apples.
the word was "glorious"
there were many cards played, but they included one "sean connery"
you would think, as would any sane person, that "sean connery" would trump anything
but no
"vampires" won
i'm tired of all this twilight crap infiltrating everything
i'm ready for this craze to be over
even though, as i age, i realize that "new years" is just another day when you get down to it, there remains an air of change, renewal, and reflection
this time last year i had a conversation with ben and corley about considering the semester missions program as a viable thing to do after graduation
now, here i am entering into my second semester as a semester missionary, with most likely another year planned
this year, i wonder what i'll be doing after my time in the semester program is through
i would like to look into something internationally, or something along that line
i'm not the scholastic type so, unless i was told i'd not be able to do any type of ministry that i want without a mdiv, i'll skip seminary
so, who knows where i'll be in 2010
maybe i'll have a future lined up, maybe i'll have a plan, maybe i'll have an idea
whatever this year brings, i'll attempt to make the most of it and see what happens
for those that are worried my love life, or the continual lack there of, i'm sure that will be one of the few things in my life that doesn't change lol